Tip: How to hide formula errors when printing a sheet

Did you know that when printing an Excel sheet, you can avoid printing errors like #VALUE! or #NAME! ?

Go to File --> Print --> Page Setup --> Sheet tab --> Cell errors as:

You can choose to either keep the error displayed as is, show the cell as blank, show as "--", or show as "#N/A".

Automated Salary Certificate

​​Problem: As HR are involved in issuing many certificates and letters to banks and other institutions for their employees, such as salary certificates, salary transfer letters...etc., which consumes a good portion of their time, they may get into the hassle of using a regular template where they have to manually enter employee information every time they are requested to issue such letters.

Solution: The task referred to above can be automated using the following steps, assuming - as an example - that we want to automate a normal salary certificate to whom it may concern. However, it should be noted that the automation process assumes the existence of a full employee database on MS Excel (or on a system that can export it to MS Excel), as the automation will have to rely on such database to get employee information. The task is tedious, however, once done, it should save you time and effort doing salary certificates (or any other similar forms/templates) manually in the future.

Note: You may scroll to the end of the exercise to get the full formula, however, it is recommended that you go through the steps as it is complex.

Tools used: VLOOKUP, TEXT, TODAY, & (or alternatively CONCATENATE), and Data Validation.

1. Ensure that you have all your employees information on MS Excel, such as full name, joining date, position, gross salary, and net salary, to name a few. We will use the following table in our example:

* All names and other information in the shown table are imaginary and do not intend to represent or refer to actual individuals. If any of the names happens to be the name of a real person, it is pure coincidence.

2. We will be using Data Validation to create a drop-down list where the HR personnel would select the employee for whom the certificate is going to be made.

Select an empty cell where you wish to place the drop-down list, and let it be B15 for our exercise purposes, then go to Data tab -->Data Tools section --> Data Validation

You should see the following dialogue box:

Here you should be able to restrict the data to be entered into the selected cell. You can restrict data entry to certain data types (e.g. date, time...etc.) and to certain limits (from / to). In our example, we will restrict data entry to the list of employee names that are in the employees database, and for that purpose, under Allow: select "List", then under Source: select all cells that contain employees names, in our example =A2:A11. Press OK. The selected cell should become a drop-down list where you can choose any employee name from the database.

3. Now that you have created the drop-down list, we will work on the design of the certificate. The intended certificate should look something similar to the following:

4. Titles and company name/signature are all entered once (manually).

5. For the certificate date, enter the following formula to return the date of today:


Straightforward. However, note that this function is volatile, i.e. it gets updated whenever you open this sheet to reflect the date of today (the day you open it). If you want it fixed for archiving old certificates, you need to copy the contents and paste as values. However, it should not be needed as the certificate should supposedly be printed out and signed.

6. Now comes the key step; automating the content of the certificate. The sentence will be part as text (the text that does not change for all salary certificates), and the other part is variable depending on the selected employee name, such as the date of joining, basic salary...etc. The following illustration highlights variable text, while the rest is fixed:

In the formula, for each fixed text part, you will enter the exact text between quotations " ".

For the variable part, each one has a certain function to apply. We will start with them one by one.

To connect parts together, use the & symbol.

a. Employee name: Add a reference to the cell that contains the drop-down list. In our example, it is B15.
b. Joining date: To get the joining date, use VLOOKUP based on the selected employee name to look it up in the database and return the date. The formula for that part should look like the following:


If you try to enter the formula referred to above in an empty cell, you will get the number 40,448, which is the date (27/9/2010) based on the number of days since 1/1/1900 as MS Excel treats dates. So what to do to convert the date format to normal as illustrated above?

To format the date (or any text) within a formula, use the TEXT function, where you can format text the way you want. To use TEXT in this part, the formula should become as follows:

TEXT(VLOOKUP(B15,A2:I11,2,FALSE),"d mmmm yyyy")

c. For Title, also use VLOOKUP as follows:


d. For Basic Salary, use VLOOKUP and TEXT as follows:


As you can see, use hashtags to indicate the number formatting. You can include/exclude the thousand comma separator as you wish.

Tip: For more information on available options for text formatting, right click on any cell and select Format Cells --> Number --> Custom.

e. For Gross Salary, use the same formula as in Basic Salary but change the column number as follows:


7. Combining all of the above in one formula, the final formula should look like the following:

="This is to certify that "&B15&" has been employed with us since "&TEXT(VLOOKUP(B15,A2:I11,2,FALSE),"d mmmm yyyy")&" as a "&VLOOKUP(B15,A2:I11,3,FALSE)&" with a basic salary of "&"$"&TEXT(VLOOKUP(B15,A2:I11,6,FALSE),"#,###")&" and a gross salary of "&"$"&TEXT(VLOOKUP(B15,A2:I11,9,FALSE),"#,###")&"."

Voila! You have an automated salary certificate!

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